What Servers and Ports does the Sensedge Mini need to connect to?

There are 4 essential servers and ports the Sensedge needs to connect to. Please refer to the chart below to understand what each server/port does and what might happen if the device cannot connect to that server/port.

Note: all of these connections are outbound only.

Note: when troubleshooting network connectivity issues, mqtt.kaiterra.com is the most common server/port that is unreachable by the device -- so make sure this server/port can be reached on the building's network!

Server URL: mqtt.kaiterra.com / *mqtt.kaiterra.cn
Port Type: TCP
Server Port(s): 8884
Reason: The MQTT server is how our devices properly communicate data to our Kaiterra Web App (and cloud).
If this connection is blocked, your devices will not be able to upload their data to the Web App.

Server URL: api.kaiterra.com / *api.kaiterra.cn
Port Type: TCP
Server Port(s): 443
Reason: The API server is how our devices can provide the data via our API. Without proper communication to this server, the data may be unavailable via the API + can also cause problems with the Kaiterra Web App.

Server URL: dl.kaiterra.com / *dl.kaiterra.cn
Port Type: TCP
Server Port(s): 80 (if the firmware version 2.4.5 or older), 443
Reason: The Firmware server is how our devices check, download, and install firmware updates, which are essential for the longevity of the device. It provides new features, enhanced security, bug fixes, etc. If the connection is blocked, the device will not be able to check or download any firmware updates.

While the device can still function on older firmware versions, we highly recommend updating your device's firmware version at least every 6 months.

Server URL: time.kaiterra.com / *time.kaiterra.cn
Port Type: UDP
Server Port(s): 123
Reason: The NTP server is how our devices avoid "time drift" -- aka. making sure the device's internal clock remains accurate. When the clock drifts, it impacts the readings of the device -- and, in extreme cases, can cause the data flow to stop reporting entirely.

Even though it seems minimal, this server/port is essential for the long-term functionality of the device.

.cn servers are for devices in Mainland China.
.com servers are for the rest of the world.