What do I do when pollutant levels are high?

Indoor air quality can be very complex, with many air pollutants like particulate matter, TVOC, and CO2 clogging up your air. Managing these indoor air pollutants is critical in keeping your home safe and healthy for you and your family. But how should you respond when pollution levels spike?

When PM2.5 is high, you should try: 

  • Turning on your air purifier
  • Keeping doors and windows closed if outdoor PM2.5 levels are high
  • Checking for sources of pollution, such as cooking, candles, etc

When TVOC is high, you should try:

  • Opening windows or increasing the ventilation rate
  • Checking for sources of pollution, such as cleaning supplies and off-gassing from paint

When carbon dioxide is high, you should try:

  • Opening windows or increasing the ventilation rate
  • Turning off your purifier
  • Moving to a larger space or outdoors

For more ways to manage your indoor air quality, check out our free IAQ cheat sheet!