The current firmware version for the Sensedge is (May 2022). Use this article to understand how to update your device's firmware version.

The Sensedge requires an Internet connection in order to properly update its firmware version. The process of updating the firmware version can be done in a couple of ways:
- On the Settings --> Device Details page, you will see a section called "Firmware Version". This will tell you the current firmware version of the device + if it is up to date.
- The "Check" button to the right will ask the device to check our firmware download server to see if any new versions are available. If a new version is found, pressing this button will allow the device to download and install the new firmware version. At this time, a download status bar will appear on this page, showing you the progress of the download. Once the download is complete, the device will restart.
- Under the "Firmware Version" section is an "Auto Update" toggle.
Having this set to "on" (similar to the image above) will allow the device to regularly check our firmware download server for available updates. When one is available, the device will automatically download and install the new firmware version.